2023 Christmas Camp #2 – 3 Days – 27/28/29th
Christmas 2023 Camp #2 – Westside Astro
Dec 27/28/29th (3 Days)
Camp is open to boys and girls born 2007 – 2015 (inc)
9:30am – 12:30pm (please arrive at least 15 minutes before start time)
– 3hrs exposed to a high performance environment per day with professional coaches and training sessions
– All players are broken into three groups – based on age
– We supply bottled water and fresh fruit for their lunch. Each player can bring their own small packed lunch (30mins lunch break)
– Sessions take place at the Westside Astro – https://goo.gl/maps/g5fdH18ZQfLhyBqp8
– If your son or daughter was born in 2006, 2016 or 2017, please drop us a quick email and we will do our best to accomadate – info@xvacademy.ie
Be a member of the XVAcademy
Our sessions are aimed at all the players who feel that they need more sessions or they want to do extra sessions because they love football. Being a XVAcademy member give you the opportunity to develop your football skills in a professional environment. Don’t lose it out!